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How to ship dangerous goods in Limited Quantity – LQ

According to the regulations for shipping dangerous goods, for the majority of UN numbers, it is possible to use a mode of transport defined “Limited Quantity”. This kind of transport simplify some aspects related to the shipping but it is important that some parameters are met. “How to ship in Limited Quantities?” According to the mode of transport by road ADR, by rail RID, ADN, by sea IMDG and ICAO-TI / IATA the shipping must be prepared in a certain way. Let’s see now how to ship correctly dangerous goods in Limited Quantities.

Shipment in Limited Quantity ADR, RID, ADN and IMDG


Before shipping dangerous goods in Limited Quantity (LQ) in combination packaging by road ADR, by rail RID, ADN, by sea IMDG, it is necessary to verify some important steps. To a correct identification of the goods it is necessary to start from UN number, Packing Group and from the name of the goods. This information is on the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), more precisely at the point 14 where are indicated all the information concerning the transport.

Regulations Marking Inner packaging Outer packaging Document of transport
By road
Guide to ship in limited quantity
mm 100x100
Border thickness: mm 2

The marking must be easily visible, legible and capable to resist to the exposition to severe weather without a reduction of its efficiency.

It must contain a quantity = to that indicated in the column 7a of "Table A" of dangerous goods (Chapter 3.2). The outer packaging must be conform to chapter 6.1.4 as prescribed at 3.4.1 (f)
Attention: an ordinary cardboard packaging cannot be suitable.
The package ready to be shipped must not weight more than 30 kg (gross weight).
It is not required but it is important to signal to the carrier, as to leave trace of the total gross mass of the goods to be transported.
By railway
By inland waterway
By sea
It must contain a quantity = to that indicated in the column 7a of "Table A" of dangerous goods (Chapter 3.2).
The outer packaging must be conform to chapter 6.1.4 as prescribed at Attention: an ordinary cardboard packaging cannot be suitable.


The package ready to be shipped must not weight more than 30 kg (gross weight).

It is required the Multimodal dangerous goods form in limited quantity.
Combination packaging having inner packaging containing liquids, must be clearly marked with orientation arrows on the 2 opposite vertical sides of the package, as prescribed at 3.4.1 (e) of regulations ADR, RID e ADN and at chapter of IMDG code

Attention: an ordinary cardboard packaging cannot be suitable if not constructed to satisfy the requirements of 6.1.4.
Serpac produces boxes and marks for the transport in Limited Quantities according to chapter 3.4 in compliance with the regulations ADR, RID, ADN e IMDG.

Shipment in Limited Quantity IATA


Before shipping dangerous goods in Limited Quantity (LQ) in combination packaging by air IATA it is necessary to verify some important steps. To a correct identification of the goods it is necessary to start from UN number, Packing Group and from the name of the goods. This information is on the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), more precisely at the point 14 where are indicated all the information concerning the transport.

Regulations Marking Inner packaging Outer packaging Document of transport
By air
UN and PSN
dangerous goods labels
list chapter 4.2, column D
Guide to ship in limited quantity
mm 100x100
Border thickness: mm 2

Adresses of shipper and consignee

It must contain a quantity = to that indicated in the packing instructions in column G of dangerous goods list (chapter 4.2).

If containing liquids it must be certified 95kPa
It must respect the dispositions of chapter 6.2 and the general packing requirements from 5.0.2 to 5.0.4 (except for,, and

The package ready to be shipped must successfully pass a drop test from 1,2 meters and a stacking test from 3 meters for 24 hours as described to chapter 2.7

It must contain a total net quantity = to that indicated in column H of “List of dangerous goods” (chapter 4.2).
The package ready to be shipped must not weight more than 30 kg (gross weight).
It is required the Shipper’s Declaration.
Combination packaging having inner packaging containing liquids, must be clearly marked with orientation arrows on the 2 opposite vertical sides of the package, as prescribed at and of IATA regulations.

Attention: an ordinary cardboard packaging cannot be suitable if not constructed to satisfy the requirements of 6.2.
Serpac produces boxes and marks for the transport in Limited Quantities according to chapter 2.7 in compliance with the regulations IATA.