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Conversion Tables


Conversion to SI Units

To convert to Multiply by
bar kilopascal (kPa) 100.0
curie (Ci) gigabecquerel (GBq) 37.00
temperature in degree Fahrenheit (°F) temperature in degree Celsius (°C) subtract 32°F and multiply by 5/9
temperature in degree Celsius (°C) temperature in Kelvin add 273.15
foot ft) metre (m) 0.3048
inch (in) millimetre (mm) 25.40
kilogram per square centimetre(kg/cm²) kilopascal (kPa) 98.07
Oersted ampere per meter (A/m) 79.58
ounce (avoirdupois) gram (g) 28.35
ounce, fluid (Imperial) millilitre (mL) 28.41
ounce, fluid (US) millilitre (mL) 29.57
pint (Imperial) litre (L) 0.5683
pint (US) litre (L) 0.4732
pound (avoirdupois) kilogram (kg) 0.4536
pound per square inch (lb/ kilopascal (kPa) 6.895
quart (Imperial) litre (L) 1.137
quart (US) litre (L) 0.9464
rad gray(Gy) 0.01000
rem sievert (Sv) 0.01000

Note: Atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by the atmosphere. Gauge pressure is the pressure of a system measured by a gauge, which excludes atmospheric pressure. Absolute pressure is the sum of the available atmospheric pressure and the gauge pressure of the system. Absolute Pressure = Gauge Pressure + Atmospheric Pressure. = 150 psig (gauge pressure) + 14.7 psi (atmospheric pressure) = 164.7 psia, for example.


Conversion from SI Units

To convert to Multiply by
ampere per metre (A/m) Oersted 0.01257
temperature in degree Celsius (°C) temperature in degree Fahrenheit (°F) multiply by 9/5 and add 32°F
temperature in Kelvin temperature in degree Celsius (°C) subtract 273.15
gram (g) ounce (avoirdupois) 0.03527
gray (Gy) rad 100.00
kilogram (kg) pound (lb) 2.205
kilopascal (kPa) bar 0.01000
kilopascal (kPa) kilogram per square centimetre (kg/cm²) 0.01020
kilopascal (kPa) pound per square inch 0.1450
litre (L) gallon (Imperial) 0.2200
litre (L) gallon (US liquid) 0.2642
litre (L) pint (Imperial) 1.760
litre (L)) pint (US) 2.113
litre (L) quart (Imperial) 0.8799
litre (L) quart (US) 1.057
metre (m) foot (ft) 3.281
millilitre (mL) ounce, fluid (Imperial) 0.03520
millilitre (mL) ounce, fluid (US) 0.03381
millimetre (mm) inch (in) 0.03937
sievert(Sv) rem 100.00
terabecquerel(TBq) curie (Ci) 27.03